Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Here's something to be proud of...

So a few weeks ago, I took my first Business Writing exam ever and it was an direct memo. I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into. I walked out of the class that day not thinking about how well or horrible I did... I could careless. I expected at least a C. I mean, I always expect to get a C... expect low and receive high outcomes...haha, even though it should be the other way around. Anyway, so at the next class session, she announced to the class that that exam was to qualify for a contest. Anybody who received an 87.5% or higher can revise their paper and turn it in to enter the contest. I got an 87.5%! There were only five other people that got 87.5% or higher. Holy cow! So I was like cool dude. I revised my paper... once again, didn't really put a lot of time into it because I didn't expect to win. I just thought what the heck, it's worth a shot, if I win, cool, if not, whatevahhs.

Well, well, well... a couple of weeks flew by. Came in class, sat down. Teacher made an announcement... "Congrats to Ly Bo! Her paper was the best one out of the class... blah blah blah." She didn't pronounce my name correctly... she actually said "Lie Bo" I'm like who the hell is Lie Bo... Gosh I hate it when people mispronounce my name. Like I'm pretty much an adverb! You don't pronounce "slowly" as "slowlie" do you? You don't pronounce "badly" as "badlie" DO YOU?! NO! Of course not! Sigh.. people. Anyway, so I was totally in shocked. Like I said, I totally did not expected to win. My paper was the best out of 37 classmates. WOW! I could not focus the rest of class. I mean, I never focus in this class anyway, but still, I was way more out of it this time. So basically I got through the first round. Now my paper is going to compete against like 15 other people. First place gets $250, 2nd gets $200, 3rd ends up with $100. If I place, I'll go through the "third round," which is a scholarship for $1000. Man, that's money in the banks! Let's see how things will unravel. It would be really cool if I win, if not that's cool too I guess. But let's expect for the worst. Alright, t'is all.

Peace love and rocket ships.. ?

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