Saturday, March 17, 2012

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo is the biggest event that my sorority put on annually. We usually raise the most money for our philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, at this event. As you can guess, Monte Carlo is casino themed. There's gambling (for play money of course), some cocktail food, raffles (aka "opportunity drawings"), auction, etc. This year, Monte Carlo was held at our school's TSU in the Pavilions. Over 300 people attended the event. We raised a lot of money for our philanthropy. Here are some pictures...
This is our silent auction table, it was filled with wicked stuff! Like VIP tickets to the Lakers game.

This is our casino area (bad quality pic, I know, my camera is horrible!).

My sisters Caitlyn & Kirstyann

My sisters Melanie & Camryn

My favorite Asian among the few in my sorority, Clarissa. 

A few alumnas of ZTA

My grandbig and I

Jenny & Devon with our letters

What a lovely table centerpiece!

This is our Growing Survivors tree where our guests can make a donation or write their survivor name on a pink ribbon to put on the tree. It was really neat to see it growing throughout the night.

The raffle girls

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