Monday, March 5, 2012

One More Disney Day!

I am proud to say that I am among the thousands that attended "One More Disney Day." You're probably wondering what the hell that is. Well, for the first time ever, Disneyland Park (California) and Magic Kingdom Park (Florida) opened for 24 hours on leap day. The parks opened on February 29, 2012 at 6:00 a.m. and closed at 6:00 a.m. on March 1, 2012. It didn't seem like a big deal to me. The reason I wanted to go was because my Disneyland pass was going to expire soon. So I figured why not! Little did I know, everybody and their mother was going! Rachel picked me up at my apartment at about 11:00p.m. Traffic was ridiculous! I was not prepared for it at all. We made a wrong turn but luckily it lead us to the  Downtown Disney, Chip N' Dale parking lot. We found parking right away. All of which took us about 45 minutes including being stuck in traffic. Normally, it would only take me 15 minutes to get to Disneyland from my apartment. Meanwhile, our other friends were still stuck in traffic, it took them 2 hours+ to get to the parking structure. Anyway, we boarded the tram and it took us to the park. Holy crap, the line for security was insanely long compared to the usual line. We finally got through that... then we saw this....

A sea of people were standing outside of the entrance. The park have reached capacity and they closed all of the gates. I have never seen this before. Rachel and I ran into some other ZTAs and we joined forces. Of course we did not get in the back of the line. We somehow cut so many people. Rumors were spreading throughout the crowd. "The cast of Modern Family is here!!!" "Holly Madison and Leonardo DiCaprio are here!!!" "I saw Shaun White!" "They're never going to open the gates!" "It will be hours til they let us all in." Whether they were true or not... I have no clue. Eventually the cast members opened the gates. Everybody cheered, screamed, and yelled. People were pushing and shoving just to get through. The moment of crossing that gate, holy crap... It was so magical (a total Disney saying, hehe). I pulled up my Disney wait time app on my phone. The shortest line was for my all time favorite ride, It's A Small World! 10 minutes wait time. We headed there right away. Something about being at Disneyland at midnight was just so incredible. It was like GradNight all over again. Here's a picture of the inside of It's A Small World...

After that, we waited in line for The Haunted Mansion ride. The wait was like an hour long. After that ride Rachel and I departed from the rest of the crew. They wanted to head home, so we stuck around. The wait line for all of the rides I wanted to go on was 100+ minutes long. Rachel and I walked around celeb hunt/ trying to keep ourselves warm. Oh my god, at 4:00a.m., it was freezing!!! I couldn't hang no longer. So we decided to go to City Hall and pick up a "One More Day of Disney" badge. We got there and they told us they ran out. I was devastated! 
Then this nice lady was like "You can have mine."
I wanted to say "OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" right away, but that didn't feel right. 
So I pretended to control my excitement. "Oh no, I can't take that from you, there's no way." 
She said "I have been renewing my Disney pass for the past 14 years, honestly, take it."
I said "Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me because my pass is going to expire in like 6 days."
So she gave it to me, and we took a picture together. Gosh, what a saint! Here she is.... 

If y'all see her around, do something nice for her, or simply just say hello. Even a smile will do. =)

After that, we waited for like 30 minutes for the tram to take us to our car. I got home and KTFO. 

I woke up the next morning at 11:30a.m. I missed my 8A.M. class... and was 2 hrs and a half late to work. I was so afraid to call my boss. So I text her a long text saying how disappointed I am of myself and gave her the excuse that I have just been studying so hard lately... She responded and said it's okay, it happens. OMG, I felt so guilty, actually I still do. Let's just hope she will never ever ever discover this blog of mine.

Well, it was a pretty neat experience. How many people can say they attended Disney leap day?! Just thousands out of 6 billion+ people... that's not so bad. Maybe it'll happen again in 4 more years? Hopefully! 

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