Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Electric Daisy Carnival

Call me crazy, but I really just purchased my EDC 3-Day pass. Why did I just do that?! I didn't even plan on going until literally a week ago. I mean, I've always wanted to go since my senior year of high school... but I never thought it would ever happen. This is pretty much how it went down:
"Come with me to EDC"
"Buy your ticket"
Probably one of the most spontaneous things I've ever done. The thrill is amazing. You're probably thinking "Okay, you just purchased a ticket to a festival, big deal..." No, it is a big deal. It's epic. I just forked out just over $300 on these babies, not including the shuttle or hotel. I'm not even rich. Wait, this makes me broke. Okay, probably not the best decision money wise. But Life wise, holy crap, that's one of the best decisions I have ever made. I don't regret it one bit. NOT ONE BIT.

Wanna know what else I'm gonna be doing right after EDC? Actually, I don't wanna jinx it. Usually when I tell the whole world my amazing plans, they never fall through. So I won't say anything until they are all set in stone. But it's pretty damn exciting. I love being spontaneous & an optimist. I love Life.

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