Saturday, April 7, 2012

San Francisco, CA

I went home for the rest of my spring break. Hung out with my bestfriends (a lot, everyday), got a root canal, hung out with my family, and went to San Francisco! I live about an hour and a half away from SF so you would think it's the norm. No, I don't go there all the time. I wish I did go to SF all the time when I used to live at home. I love the city. It's been a few months since I've been to the city. So my best friend and I decided to make a visit.

We wanted to leave early in the morning but due to my dentist appointment, we didn't get there until almost noon. Our first stop, Mama's on Washington Square. It's this cute little cafe that serves breakfast and lunch, known mainly for their delicious breakfast dishes. The only sucky thing about this place is the wait. The line wraps around the corner. We waited for an hour but it was so worth it. Everyone who knows this place will put up with the wait. It is tiny inside. While waiting in line, we met this Australian couple. They were the cutest. We shared stories. They told us about where they've been and we told them about where they should go. I told them they should go to Roscoe's the next time they're in Southern California...hehe. They asked us to join them at the table once we get in the cafe! How lovely. Too bad the mean door lady only had a table for two at the time. =/ Before they left, they stopped by our table to say goodbye. They were in a rush to make their 3 o'clock reservation to Alcatraz Island. I never got their names. They were definitely those few people that I meet in life that I will always remember.

Anyway, we finally got in to the cafe after an hour wait. I ordered a Florentine Eggs Benedict. Jas got an omelette & some pancakes with fruit. Everything was delicious!

Afterwards, we headed to this little outside market near the Ferry Building. I needed some sunglasses! Too bad they weren't selling any! They had a bunch of cool homemade stuff. We bought matching rings and had a very interesting conversation with the vendors. I Flip'ed the conversation. Oh yeah, I was filming everything I did.

Then we headed for the Golden Gate Bridge for some pictures. I have not been to the Golden Gate in years! The weather was perfect! We took tons of pics. Then we took this little trail down to the dock. Took more pictures, people watched, and "conversated."

After all that, the boys met up with us and we hung out for a bit then went to Pier 39 and had dinner at the Wharf. I had an awesome day. I got to feel a different vibe of San Francisco this time. Usually, I would go to Union Square to shop and around the area. This time, I felt like a complete tourist. It was one of the best days ever.

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