Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Me and The Gym

I rarely ever workout. Especially at the gym. It's not that I'm not fond of the idea, I'm just not motivated. Also because of the reason that I can always eat tons of food and it never really affect my body. I only workout for special occasions. Such as: formal, Halloween, spring break, 4th of July, etc. Only special occasions I tell ya. This girl will not do it for the hell of it.

I think the gym is such an intimidating place. I never know what to do when I'm there. My typical routine at the gym: Stretch, some cardio, arms, legs, abs. I'm always afraid that I'm not doing it right. Afraid that people are silently laughing at me. Everyone there always seems to be knowing what they're doing. If only I had a personal trainer. That would be amazing. When I do go, I would much prefer to have somebody there with me that knows what they're doing.

I am probably the most laziest person on this planet. "Gymming" will never be my #1 priority. I never have the motivation man. Though I should really take advantage of the free usage at the Rec. Center on campus. It's not my fault I'm slim. Another reason for me to NOT to go. Don't get me wrong, I do have troubles with my body at times. But I choose not to do anything about it.

Well, me not working out is besides the point. I just think it's such a scary place.

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