Saturday, November 19, 2011


I kind of have a love/hate relationship with the place I grew up in. When I'm away from home for a long time, I miss it. I want to see it. I can't wait to see it. When I'm actually home, give it about three days until I want to leave again. This time, I'm coming home for my Thanksgiving break. I get about 9 days at home. I'm nervous for what it'll entails. The last time I was home was for 10 days, and I couldn't wait to leave. 10 days at home is way too long. I have not been home since August, a good three months or so. Hopefully Thanksgiving will keep me distracted.

I cannot wait to see my family. My mother, I cannot wait for her cooking and go shopping with her again! My father, I can't wait to put up the Christmas tree with him! My lil sis, I can't wait to see her!! Rumor has it, she's very excited for my homecoming. I can't wait to see them all!

My anticipation for going home and for break to start has made this week the longest week ever. It was like never ending, but that feeling of once break has started, was tremendous. I wanted to scream, jump & run everywhere! I wanted everyone to know that MY break has finally begun! Unlike others who started on Wednesday, or Thursday... Whatev.

One week away from school & work = HELL YEAH. I'm definitely going to make the best of EVERYTHING.

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