Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Drive

I planned on starting my 6hr drive at six o'clock on Saturday's morning but that didn't work out. Sleep got the best of me. Instead, I left Fullerton at noon. I hate driving. It used to be exciting and fun for me to drive six hours home. Good way to clear my head. Now, flying is always the better option. Quick & easy. Actually, the drive home isn't bad because I'm excited to see people & things I have not seen in a long time. Driving back to Fullerton, to reality, however is not so exciting. Back to the norms. Back to the books. Back to the people I see all the time. Plus the drive always seems so much longer.

I started off the drive with a Hearty Bowl from Jack in the Box. Nothing healthy about this, but it was just something simple. The picture does not do it justice at all. It's actually really good.

The drive... beautiful ain't it? I swerved into the lane to my left as I was taking this picture. Oops. haha

Cruise control, all the way. Well, for the non-traffic part of the drive.

Anyway, it only took me around five and a half hours. Which isn't bad at all, but it felt forever! It's good to be home. I am getting pampered here. =) 

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I kind of have a love/hate relationship with the place I grew up in. When I'm away from home for a long time, I miss it. I want to see it. I can't wait to see it. When I'm actually home, give it about three days until I want to leave again. This time, I'm coming home for my Thanksgiving break. I get about 9 days at home. I'm nervous for what it'll entails. The last time I was home was for 10 days, and I couldn't wait to leave. 10 days at home is way too long. I have not been home since August, a good three months or so. Hopefully Thanksgiving will keep me distracted.

I cannot wait to see my family. My mother, I cannot wait for her cooking and go shopping with her again! My father, I can't wait to put up the Christmas tree with him! My lil sis, I can't wait to see her!! Rumor has it, she's very excited for my homecoming. I can't wait to see them all!

My anticipation for going home and for break to start has made this week the longest week ever. It was like never ending, but that feeling of once break has started, was tremendous. I wanted to scream, jump & run everywhere! I wanted everyone to know that MY break has finally begun! Unlike others who started on Wednesday, or Thursday... Whatev.

One week away from school & work = HELL YEAH. I'm definitely going to make the best of EVERYTHING.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Me and The Gym

I rarely ever workout. Especially at the gym. It's not that I'm not fond of the idea, I'm just not motivated. Also because of the reason that I can always eat tons of food and it never really affect my body. I only workout for special occasions. Such as: formal, Halloween, spring break, 4th of July, etc. Only special occasions I tell ya. This girl will not do it for the hell of it.

I think the gym is such an intimidating place. I never know what to do when I'm there. My typical routine at the gym: Stretch, some cardio, arms, legs, abs. I'm always afraid that I'm not doing it right. Afraid that people are silently laughing at me. Everyone there always seems to be knowing what they're doing. If only I had a personal trainer. That would be amazing. When I do go, I would much prefer to have somebody there with me that knows what they're doing.

I am probably the most laziest person on this planet. "Gymming" will never be my #1 priority. I never have the motivation man. Though I should really take advantage of the free usage at the Rec. Center on campus. It's not my fault I'm slim. Another reason for me to NOT to go. Don't get me wrong, I do have troubles with my body at times. But I choose not to do anything about it.

Well, me not working out is besides the point. I just think it's such a scary place.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Luncheon

I woke up to an extremely exhilarating morning. I had the urge to do everything since it was so gorgeous outside! I wanted to go hiking. I wanted to go to Disneyland. I wanted to discover new places around the area. I even wanted to clean my apartment. Actually, I HAVE to clean my apartment. I just some leftover dishes (I have switched to paper everything) & some laundry (I'm thinking I should just wait to take it back to Stockton when I'm going home in a few days to do them). I then decided to do none of the above. I am so gosh darn lazy.

Anna and I had a lunch date today. I wanted to go somewhere new. Away from the typical sit-down restaurants that we always go to. I googled for a mom and pop restaurant in Fullerton and Max Bloom's Cafe Noir came up. It was the perfect place. Located in downtown Fullerton, filled with old school decorations. I heard they have open mic on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays! Love this place, reminds me so much of home! Max serves breakfast, lunch & dinner all day. Amazing food & drinks with great prices! 

Anna got a #2 Combo, which came with a sandwich of your choice, pasta salad, and a vintage drink. She got the BLT & a Coke.

I got the Turkey Club sandwich and it was delish! 

I love discovering local places. After all, I still have a few years left here in Fullerton. Might as well wander. T'is all. Happy Veterans Day!