Friday, June 1, 2012

Summer's Here!

Summer Summer Summer timeeeeeeee. I have been waiting for this lovely season ever since the beginning of this school year. Haha. Man, time really did flew by. This year flashed by in a heartbeat! I did so much yet I feel like I did nothing at all... if that make any sense. Anyway, I know I have not been writing much lately. Wanna know why? I got my Facebook back, that's why. Well, I got it back for like a month or two, then I realized I really dislike the idea of it. I really don't care for  95% of my "friends" on there. I mean, I know them all, all 800 something of them. I just don't care for their lives. So I deactivated it again. I'm positive I am not missing out on anything, at all.

Anyway, I have been quite the busy bee for the past month. Here are some pictures with what I have been doing.

I attended my sorority formal. My camera was broken, so I wasn't able to take any pictures. Here's what I looked like that night. Captured on my photobooth. I was madly in love with my dress. 

I also received this fancy little package in the mail... it contained all of my EDC stuff. (Btw, these pictures will be really randomly "edited" through instagram/pic stitch bc I took these on my brand new iPhone... Did I mention I got an iPhone?! Like finally.)
I got bored one day, so I decided to have a photoshoot by with Benny, my banana. 

Then I had wine night one night. I love Moscato. 

The beach. It was way too cold.

My sorority sisters and I at Newport Beach.

My Asian and I visited our friend Dani, I got drunk.

We had a photo shoot on the stairs. There were more pictures, but they're really embarrassing. 

My friend/sorority sister turned 21. I got a chance to style her. We went shopping and it was awesome. I fell in love with clothes all over again. I was able to resist the temptation of trying them on and buying them. All I knew was I was there to style Anna Banana, not for me. Plus I was really broke. 

Some of the girls at Anna's B-day dinner. 

My friend Marisa came over to cuzi. When we got to the cuzi, these guys had already filled the whole jacuzzi up with soap. It was awesome. I felt cool. 

With EDC approaching... I started to make my costumes. So here is my first bra. Since I'm like so classy, I had to keep it classy. I rhinestoned the whole bra and outlined the bottom with some fringe. This whole thing took me about 3 hours. I sent a picture to my mom and she fell in love with it. She now wants one... Idk if I should make her one. haha.

My cousin Steve came to visit. I took him to Bruxie. They make gourmet waffles. We got the Bruxie burger and the Creme Brulee. OMG they were delicious!!! I am taking everyone here any time ppl comes to visit!
Then we both went hiking. The last time he came down to Southern California, we had planned on going hiking at Sturtevant Falls but we ate a lot of food before and got really lazy. So we were determined to go this time around. This is Garcia Trail in Asuza. The cross is at the end of the trail. It overlooks the whole city. You can see all the way to Catalina. Let me just say... this was one of the hardest, craziest, and steepest hike I have ever done. Up and down totalled about 2.5 miles long. Pretty short trail, so you would think it'd be easy. Nuh uh. It took us about 50 minutes to get to the top. We took numerous little breaks during. By the time we reached the top, I was drenched in sweat...ew. Luckily for us the weather was very nice. High in the 60s. 

Here's me, posing...cause you know, we gotta take a bunch of pictures to prove that we... hiked. Haha.

My cousin and I felt extremely accomplished for reaching the top.

Taking pics during one of our mini breaks.
You can't really tell in this picture, but this hill was so steep. These guys literally had to slide down in order to get down. It's possible to walk down, but you're risking your life! Imagine climbing up that hill... Omg it was so intense. But look at the view. I thought I was in China or something. Idk why... haha.

Must have pictures of me hiking!!! Oh yeah, we had to run down the mountain in order to get down. Because it was so steep that it was impossible to walk. Took us 25 minutes. My legs were like jello right after. Then we went and pigged out at a Chinese restaurant for dim sum. It was delish. =)
For memorial weekend, I went to San Diego to hang out with some of my cousins. I had so much fun. We went to this bar called BeachWood in Pacific Beach. Everyone started off with a mimosa because we thought it was happy hour... but unfortunately happy hour doesn't count on holidays. 

See what I was wearing..? Okay, like what was I thinking?! Well, I checked the weather and it said it was going to be cold. Okay, it was chilly. But we were on the patio and the sun was scorching. So I took of my top the rest of the time I was there. Plus I was like the odd one there, I felt like I was from another planet or something because everybody was wearing shorts. 

These nachos were so bomb. So were the garlic fries. See that margarita? That was so twisted.

I GET RED. Please, somebody, find a cure. haha.

I had my first mojito. It tasted just like soda... though it did not have the same effect as soda... haha. It will sneak up on you I tell ya.

It was so pretty. Right on the beach. 
My second EDC bra.

I made new fetters. Omg these were so complicated to make!!!

So there you go, a quick update on what I have been up to. Gosh this is a long post I apologize. But It is now June. Here's what coming up this month:
  • EDC
  • Florida
  • Road Trip
  • No Work
  • No School
  • VACATION!!! cheeeoooooow!
I am so excited. Okay, bye.

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