Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What's a V-Day?

I have not celebrated Valentine's Day since the 8th grade. So it was just like any ordinary day for me. I am not bitter, nor am I excited the holiday but it does get annoying when your boss gives out Twilight V-Day cards, and people goes around asking you if you want to buy teddy bears with chocolate roses, or strawberries dipped in chocolate. No, I don't want to buy your teddy bears nor do I want to spend a whole lot of money on your strawberries when I can make them myself for half the price!

Well, this year I decided to celebrate this holiday with my friends Hiba and Rachel. I guess it's better to spend it with friends than cooking at home alone. I wouldn't have mind. But since all of us had no plans... why not.

The first course on the menu is called Rachel's Salad. Why the name? Because she brought it from home. It was pre-bagged though. We didn't have a big bowl to mix our salad, so we used a pot instead. How efficient! Rachel's Salad has: lettuce, know all that salad stuff, then she added yellow tomatoes and carrots, it came with almonds, raisins, and crumbled bleu cheese. We topped it off with a white balsamic vinaigrette dressing. It was healthlisticly delicious.

We made vodka lemonade after we prepared the salad. I didn't have wine at my apartment, so this was the next classy thing. 

Then we went ahead and boiled the water for our farfalle.. blah blah blah. I cooked the mushroom in olive oil and garlic. Then threw in the pre-cooked-chicken-that-came-in-the-frozen-bag. Once that's done, Rachel lightly added the alfredo sauce, when I say lightly... it was like a pinch. She's a health freak! I would have thrown in the whole jar. Oh well, it came out amazing anyway. Then we mixed in the pasta. Voila! We created our version of "light" chicken farfalle alfredo.

For dessert, we decided to go with the double chocolate cake that's been sitting in my fridge since last week. Rocky Road, Strawberry, and Vanilla ice cream were added of course. 

Hiba didn't cook anything, she just came to join us after her class. We all ate and watched.... He's Just Not That Into You. Rachel soon realized that we were just like those sad, soppy, pathetic girls with no valentines. I refused to think that I was one of those. Because I was really content with what I was doing. I was not jealous, nor bitter. Anyway, maybe next year? Haha, just kidding. You say Valentines, I say Vodka. 

1 comment:

  1. I gave out Twilight Valentine's Day cards to the people at work hahaha. And I don't think you're one of those sappy girls without a Valentine. It's fun to celebrate any holiday with your friends.
