Friday, February 24, 2012


Termites. Termites.. TERMITES!!! It is such an ugly word. I never expected to have these nasty-infested-blood-sucking bugs in my home. I could not tell what it was at first because I have never experienced anything like it. My first thoughts were.. maggots, or white-clear-nasty things. Then I found out that they were termites. Honestly, I am extremely embarrassed to tell anyone about it. What if my friends doesn't want to come over anymore? What if they think I'm unclean?! So I decided to do some research. The pictures that popped up was not very pleasant. Then I discovered that it is not my fault that I have termites. They can find their way through cracks from outside of the structure. So I called my management up and they are taking care of it. They sent in the Terminix Pest Control guys. Luckily we caught it in time. It is not at the extreme stage yet. Apparently, they have been digging their way through the beam from the outside. The guys are going to clean everything up before I get home today. I also put in a request for them to come and clean my carpet because who knows what could be living there! Overall, the experience wasn't so bad. My management was very professional and took care of everything in a timely manner. I still hate these bugs though. Go eat wood somewhere else please!

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