Sunday, January 27, 2013

The last thing I want to do... to get sick. Both of my roommates are coming down with something and I am hoping to not get infected. I was woken up this morning by the sound of them coughing up their lungs. Then I thought about how if I stay in my room forever the nasties in the air won't get to me. I mean, there's no way it can sneak past my door right? Then I thought about how much I really wanted a bowl of coco pebbles cereal with my nonfat organic milk... Shit, I am so screwed. At any time I could've hopped right out of my bed and grab me a bowl of cereal... But I couldn't stop thinking about how much I am about to risk just for a damn bowl of cereal. So I just laid in my bed for 2 more hours. And here I am. Still being immersed in my white sheets. My overly comfortable bed. Just drowning in it. Never wanting to leave. And this is how I am going to spend my last day of winter break.


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