Monday, February 4, 2013

Controlling the Urge

One of the most important steps in reaching Nirvana is putting a halt on our cravings. They say craving is the source of suffering and that if we cease the craving, we can end our suffering. I am not a Buddhist nor am I religious at all. Actually I am religious, but in my own way, by taking certain aspects from different religions plus my own life experiences. I have found that the most beautiful thing about Buddhism though is the art of reaching Nirvana. It's such a beautiful word isn't it? Lately, I would find myself thinking about Nirvana. Especially when I have my bad days, it soothes me back to normal grounds. So in order to reach Nirvana, this peace, this so-called freedom from suffering, we must control our urges, our cravings. A lot of the time the things that we crave for isn't always healthy for us. The majority of the time, we crave for something we cannot have. And the things that we don't have are the things that weren't meant for us. This is my own interpretation of what Nirvana and controlling the urge means, I could be far off from the truth but the meanings that I have so far for myself seems to work just fine. By controlling my cravings, things just fall into place. Sometimes I would sit back and think damn, how is my life so almost close to perfect? Nirvana.


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