Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer is here

I feel like every blog post I ever posted on here always start with something along the line of "well, it's been a while..." that's because I always abandon my blog every few months. Between school, work, sorority, and life, there's never enough time for me to sit down and write my heart out. I wish. I always crave writing. I love to write. If only there were three more hours in our 24hr day, I would write everyday.

I've been on Summer break for about three weeks now. Spring semester was so exhausting, how I managed to not fail a single class? I don't know. But it's weird to think that I'm actually a 4th year in college now. People were right, college is gonna fly by, and it's been zooming by, I can't even grasp it. I decided not to take any classes this summer and just breathe for a little. All I want to do this summer is to go places. Travel, anywhere and everywhere. The first three weeks were pretty great. I went home, road-tripped to Oregon, went to Laughlin, and this weekend, Las Vegas. However, I wish I could do this everyday, but unfortunately I have work Mon-Fri. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have a job. Since it is the #1 source to fund my traveling shenanigans (they just gave me 40hrs a week for July & August, stoked on the Monday, nervous about 8-5 shifts). But I just wish I could sleep in for once. You're probably thinking that I have Saturday & Sunday to sleep in... so what am I complaining about? Well, I could sleep in, but I try to make a good use of my summer and actually do things on the weekend. So far, sleep plays no role in my summer. Am I tired? Way. Am I having fun? Super. Fun > sleep. I mean, I take naps. Lol. Everyday after work, if I'm not at the gym, I try to get at least an hour nap in. Most of the time, my naps are like 3 hours long. The other day, I was so exhausted after a day hike, I came home to nap. I was planning on waking up after an hour, but I slept all the way up until 8 o'clock the next morning. Holy cow. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I wish I don't have plans for once. I just want to wake up one Saturday and have absolutely nothing to do. I would do everything I ever wanted to do, such as:

  • Reorganize my room
  • Write in my journal
  • Paint
  • Sort out my clothes
  • Get rid of my clothes
  • Reorganize my shoes
  • Lay out by the pool
  • Sit on the couch
  • Breathe
  • Play tennis
  • Practice my French
  • Lay in bed and watch Netflix all day
Okay, these might sound really lame and common... but I miss doing these things so much. I miss doing the usuals. I miss doing the norms. It's funny because even though I don't have summer school, it feels like I still do with all the time I spend at work. But it's cool because I am making BANK$. 

Well, summer's good so far. I'm going to Hawaii in a few weeks. Fuck yeah.


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