Friday, June 28, 2013


What I have realized when I try to search for "things to do in (insert place here)" is that nothing cool ever comes up. It could be that I am really bad at typing in keywords in the search bar, or it could be that people never wants to let the world know all the cool spots they've discovered! As I am preparing for my Hawaii trip for the upcoming weeks, I want to do some research for cool things to do in Hawaii. I mean, yeah it's Hawaii, everything should be cool to a foreigner like me! But, I want more than just a hike to a waterfall. I want more than just a luau. I want more than just the beautiful island that I can see through Google image search. I want to dig deep in the roots and discover the local spots. Something wicked that will leave my mind in shocked for days.   Yet here I am searching and searching, and there's nothing. There has to be something right? Maybe like a tunnel in the middle of a mountain that leads down to a cave where I can dig my toes into the sand and walk just a few steps until I can reach the pure blue water (yet I'm picturing a sea green ocean) where I am secluded with no one else in sight. Something.

Okay, maybe I am being a little ridiculous, but what I'm trying to say is that it shouldn't be that hard to search for some cool exotic locations. Where are my locals at? Where are my traveling bloggers at? Help! Nonetheless, I am very excited as this will be my first time in Hawaii. I'm going to see my cousin Sang, who lives in Kaneohe. I haven't seen her in a little over a year, so this should be a good reunion! Alright, well, hopefully I will be able to dig up something cool, until then, adios.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer is here

I feel like every blog post I ever posted on here always start with something along the line of "well, it's been a while..." that's because I always abandon my blog every few months. Between school, work, sorority, and life, there's never enough time for me to sit down and write my heart out. I wish. I always crave writing. I love to write. If only there were three more hours in our 24hr day, I would write everyday.

I've been on Summer break for about three weeks now. Spring semester was so exhausting, how I managed to not fail a single class? I don't know. But it's weird to think that I'm actually a 4th year in college now. People were right, college is gonna fly by, and it's been zooming by, I can't even grasp it. I decided not to take any classes this summer and just breathe for a little. All I want to do this summer is to go places. Travel, anywhere and everywhere. The first three weeks were pretty great. I went home, road-tripped to Oregon, went to Laughlin, and this weekend, Las Vegas. However, I wish I could do this everyday, but unfortunately I have work Mon-Fri. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to have a job. Since it is the #1 source to fund my traveling shenanigans (they just gave me 40hrs a week for July & August, stoked on the Monday, nervous about 8-5 shifts). But I just wish I could sleep in for once. You're probably thinking that I have Saturday & Sunday to sleep in... so what am I complaining about? Well, I could sleep in, but I try to make a good use of my summer and actually do things on the weekend. So far, sleep plays no role in my summer. Am I tired? Way. Am I having fun? Super. Fun > sleep. I mean, I take naps. Lol. Everyday after work, if I'm not at the gym, I try to get at least an hour nap in. Most of the time, my naps are like 3 hours long. The other day, I was so exhausted after a day hike, I came home to nap. I was planning on waking up after an hour, but I slept all the way up until 8 o'clock the next morning. Holy cow. Anyway, what I am trying to say is that I wish I don't have plans for once. I just want to wake up one Saturday and have absolutely nothing to do. I would do everything I ever wanted to do, such as:

  • Reorganize my room
  • Write in my journal
  • Paint
  • Sort out my clothes
  • Get rid of my clothes
  • Reorganize my shoes
  • Lay out by the pool
  • Sit on the couch
  • Breathe
  • Play tennis
  • Practice my French
  • Lay in bed and watch Netflix all day
Okay, these might sound really lame and common... but I miss doing these things so much. I miss doing the usuals. I miss doing the norms. It's funny because even though I don't have summer school, it feels like I still do with all the time I spend at work. But it's cool because I am making BANK$. 

Well, summer's good so far. I'm going to Hawaii in a few weeks. Fuck yeah.
