Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Don't ever get too comfortable

I'm getting a little too comfortable here at home. I don't want to leave back to Fullerton for various reasons. Firstly, because I am just not ready to start the Spring semester of my Jr. year (mostly because I haven't studied my French). Secondly, I am going to have to clean up after myself again (I know that sounds silly because I am an adult and that should come naturally...but when I am at home, my parents treats me like a queen... I get spoiled here). Thirdly, I am going to have to pay for my own grocery and cook for myself. Fourthly, no more shopping spree with my mother. Fifthly, just simply because I will miss my mother, father, lil sister, and grandma. Sixthly, AND having to associate with people that I don't want to associate with. Most of these just sounds like I have the case of the "lazy." Haha.

I am somewhat excited to go back though. For these reasons:
• I get to be back in my favorite bedroom
• I get to be back in the warmth
• I get to stop making excuses for just sitting on the couch
• I get to go to the beach
• I get to see my Littles
• I get to be on my own again...

I get like this every time winter break comes around. But this break was different. I learned to appreciate my family more. I'd choose them over anything. My friends heard a lot from me saying "Sorry I can't tonight, I have to hang out with my family." Trust me, that never happens before. I used to go out every night and don't come home til the crack of dawn. This break was different for sure. I enjoyed it. I think it definitely made it harder for me to leave though. Well, c'est la vie.


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