Monday, January 9, 2012

Running on all four time zones

I am finally in Boston after 10 hours of flying, not counting the overlay hours. This was the worst travel/airport/flying experience I have ever had. I departed from Sacramento, had an hour overlay in Phoenix, and a drop off/pick up in Chicago. The flight from Sacramento to Phoenix wasn't that bad, but the flight from Phoenix to Chicago was horrid! I took so many naps. The flight was 100% filled. A very large man sat right next to me. It was fine though because he was a very attractive baseball player with a carefully built body.

I was so glad to land in Providence, RI. Well, glad...except for the fact that my ride went to the wrong airport. It wasn't her fault though because no one ever told her where to pick me up. Haha. What a day. What an adventure. I'm excited to see what's going to be in store for the next few days!

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