Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our Youth

I don't think we realize how special our youth is. I mean being young has its perks. Everybody wants to be so much older than they are, well, if they are under the age of 21. Once they hit the age of 21, everyone just wants to be young again. Kind of odd isn't it? My whole life, I have always wanted to grow up fast. I have always wanted to be an adult. But when I hit 18, I still did not feel like an adult. That's an "adult age" isn't it? Now 19, I still want to grow up, but faster. I have always felt young. Even though people have said that  I am mature for my age, or I do look my age, I still don't feel that. I feel like I am still a 16 year old girl living in a 19 year old body. Everywhere I go, I put myself in that situation. I shut myself down and pretend that I'm young. I can't accept the fact that I am a young adult. My body won't let me feel that way. Anyway, that's beside the point I was trying to make. What I am trying to say is appreciate the youth. Whether it's ours, our sibling, our niece, our nephew, our children, etc. Capture our youth. Record it with a camcorder, take a few pictures with a camera (but make sure you print them out). Capture all of the special memories. Once our youth is gone, the videos, the pictures will be all that's left. Cherish our youth. Enjoy it. Live it. Just remember, not only to appreciate our youth, but also others' youth, the ones that we care about the most. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New things.

My head's been all over the place lately. Spring semester of my sophomore has just begun. I have the worst schedule out of all of my college years so far. Required to be on campus at 8:00a.m four out of five days, with  useless one and a half hour breaks throughout. What was I thinking? Obviously I wasn't. If I wasn't so selfish, this wouldn't have happened. I purposely signed up for an 8:30a.m. class just so I wouldn't have to open for work in the morning... Did I not think that my work does not care? Wishful thinking. Of course, nobody at work could open... so there was my schedule, 8:00a.m. shifts. I chose my own fate this time while trying to avoid it. Sigh. I'm still on my first week of work and school. Already have a headache. Not sure how I am going to pull through for the next 13 or so weeks. I might not make it before that last week gets here.

Classes are alright. I'm taking most of my major classes this semester. Business Writing, Economics, ISDS (an EXCEL/ACCESS class), and a History class for my GE. My advisors warned me to not take so many business classes at once since I'm barely just getting my feet wet with this major. I honestly think I can do anything I want as long as I believe I can. I know, that was really cheesy but hey, it's true. I guess I'll listen to them this time. I'm only taking 12 units which once again puts me behind the rest. The average units required to graduate in four years is 15. Looking forward to summer school... yey. Here's a thing about summer school though, I actually don't mind it. I get better grades and learn better. Everything goes by way quicker. I might need to try an intercession here and there...but I'll deal with that once it's needed.

Anyway, so my hectic schedule during the day doesn't leave me with much in the evening. Here's how my schedule goes:
8:00a.m.- 5:00p.m: On campus.
5:00p.m.-10:00p.m: Cook dinner, eat dinner, watch Netflix, do the dishes, shower.
10:00p.m.-the next morning: Sleep.

Yeah, there goes my schedule on the internet for the world to stalk. It amazes me that my new bed time is at 10:00p.m. That's not real life. I never ever sleep that early. I know this will only last for a week or two. Until I get used to my schedule at least. Even though I sleep that early, I still cannot wake up in the morning. I love to sleep.

Oh yeah, "cook dinner," that's new too! I'm living on a budget now. I should have always been, but I'm really enforcing this whole budget thing this time around. I want to be able to do so much. I have cut back on shopping and eating out. No more shopping sprees, can you believe that? Me neither. No more eating out. I actually went grocery shopping the other day and only bought things I need. I have been cooking delicious meals. Like chef quality food. A lot of pasta. I love pasta. I swear I'm going to be such a great mom. I am still going to marry a chef though. Haha. Anyway, I actually surprised myself. I can't cook, ever. I was able to create my own recipes based on some recipes I found on the web and in my cookbooks. Let's see if I can keep this up. I have been snapping pictures of the creations that I have whipped up in my little kitchen. I'll post them soon.

Gosh I sound so old. Well, that's all for now. Until next time. xoxo.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Running on all four time zones

I am finally in Boston after 10 hours of flying, not counting the overlay hours. This was the worst travel/airport/flying experience I have ever had. I departed from Sacramento, had an hour overlay in Phoenix, and a drop off/pick up in Chicago. The flight from Sacramento to Phoenix wasn't that bad, but the flight from Phoenix to Chicago was horrid! I took so many naps. The flight was 100% filled. A very large man sat right next to me. It was fine though because he was a very attractive baseball player with a carefully built body.

I was so glad to land in Providence, RI. Well, glad...except for the fact that my ride went to the wrong airport. It wasn't her fault though because no one ever told her where to pick me up. Haha. What a day. What an adventure. I'm excited to see what's going to be in store for the next few days!