Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sunset Cliffs, San Diego

I have created a list of things to do and places to go and I am determined to finish it all by the end of summer (3 weeks from now, yikes!) So first thing to be checked off of that list is Sunset Cliffs. I came across it on Yelp and the pictures of the place swept me away. I love the beach and any chance for me to be at the beach I will take!

Sunset Cliffs is located a street called Sunset Cliffs Blvd . It is exactly what it is called. People go here specifically for the sunset. My, it is definitely a view to see! I envy the lucky folks who gets to live here. Along Sunset Cliffs Blvd, there are a number of places that you can pull over to see this beautiful sight. There will be signs lined up along the edges warning you not to go on the cliffs. But nobody ever listens. If you do, you'll get a mediocre view. If you're a daredevil, (haha, it's honestly not scary at all) ignore the warnings and you'll be left speechless by the view! At the end of Sunset Cliffs Blvd, there'll be a big parking lot with two porta potties, park there, and go down the makeshift trail that'll lead you to a small beach. You'll see a few people there but it is not populated at all. Trust me, it is so peaceful! As if you have the whole beach to yourself. The trail leading down to the beach is kind of dangerous. People can slip and fall of the cliff very easily. But if you trust your instinct and hope for the best (lol, probably the worst advice ever), you will have a great time! Once you get near the bottom, there's a rope that you can hold on to to climb down (this part was the coolest). Once you're down, take a deep breath and just soak it all in! Take your clothes off, lay your towel down, put on your suntan lotion, and relax. You can either relax or watch the surfers ride the waves, or you can go explore the caves and climb the rocks along the beach. It is amazing. I wish I had more time to explore, but I went there to paint and that literally took me 3 hours. I had to move so many times because the water kept on getting higher and higher. At the end, I had to just wrap up early because the waves were smashing too close to me. Check it out when you get a chance!

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