Saturday, June 23, 2012


I can now say I have experienced Miami. Let's see, how was Miami... well, it reminded me a lot of my motherland, Vietnam. The weather was hot, humid, and very bipolar. Maybe bipolar isn't the correct word, but it would storm and rain out of no where then get sunny again. What I love about Miami though is the vibe. Let me tell ya, it is definitely no where like California. Nothing against Miami, but it made me appreciate California's weather so much more. High in the 70s, low in the 60s, always. Besides the weather, the people were very different. Some Miamians have guessed that I was either Hawaiian, Puerto Rican, or "do you have some black in you." Not even a single type of Asian. Speaking of Asians, I never saw a single Asian person in Miami. I must've looked really foreign to them. Lol.

I packed a suitcase full of clothes for the trip, looking back, I shouldn't have packed anything at all. I pretty much went shopping as soon as I got there and I wore everything that I bought the whole trip. Sigh, so pointless. Anyway, my friend Megan took me to this Boba place at Aventura mall and I had my first "popping boba." What the heck is popping boba?! It looks just like a regular boba ball... but inside it is filled with juicy goodness with different flavors such as mango, strawberry, etc. The popping boba, of course, pops in your mouth. It was like heaven. I don't think they have it in the West Coast at all. They should, I would be a regular! Actually, they probably do, I just haven't looked into it. Haha.

I also went to the beach. Let me tell ya, Miami beaches > California beaches. For sure. The water was so blue. Touching it was like falling into a warm bath. Even though it was raining like a crazy mother effer, I'm glad I had a chance to at least experience what heaven was like... lol. I wasn't there for that long because it started to rain really hard. Which reminded me a lot of my motherland once again. As a kid, whenever it rained, the kids from the block, my cousins, and I would run in the street butt naked and just dance in the rain. Rain was the best thing that ever happened to us. We didn't have Wet & Wild, we didn't have Raging Waters, we had free rain!!! Walking in the rain brought back a lot of memories. By the time we got to our car, we were soaked from head to toes.

I wasn't in Miami for that long because we had to start our road trip back to California. I did not want to leave, I wanted more. I wanted to absorb all of the life and culture of this city. As my former governor would say, "I will be back."
Boarded... not abiding the "please turn of your electronic devices" rule. Sorry bout it.

Here I am, about to experience popping boba for the first time evaaah.

Megas and I on our way to Whiskey Tango to watch the Finals game.

Okay, I guess you can't really tell in this picture... but we were soaked after the rain.

My I am angry at the rain face. Lolzzzzz.

This is how pretty the water was. I want to go back!

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