Sunday, January 29, 2012

Our Youth

I don't think we realize how special our youth is. I mean being young has its perks. Everybody wants to be so much older than they are, well, if they are under the age of 21. Once they hit the age of 21, everyone just wants to be young again. Kind of odd isn't it? My whole life, I have always wanted to grow up fast. I have always wanted to be an adult. But when I hit 18, I still did not feel like an adult. That's an "adult age" isn't it? Now 19, I still want to grow up, but faster. I have always felt young. Even though people have said that  I am mature for my age, or I do look my age, I still don't feel that. I feel like I am still a 16 year old girl living in a 19 year old body. Everywhere I go, I put myself in that situation. I shut myself down and pretend that I'm young. I can't accept the fact that I am a young adult. My body won't let me feel that way. Anyway, that's beside the point I was trying to make. What I am trying to say is appreciate the youth. Whether it's ours, our sibling, our niece, our nephew, our children, etc. Capture our youth. Record it with a camcorder, take a few pictures with a camera (but make sure you print them out). Capture all of the special memories. Once our youth is gone, the videos, the pictures will be all that's left. Cherish our youth. Enjoy it. Live it. Just remember, not only to appreciate our youth, but also others' youth, the ones that we care about the most. 

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