Saturday, December 14, 2013

What if the reason we're living is just to die happy?

I like to have a lot of "me" time. And when I do my mind wanders. So this was a thought that ran across my young brain. What if we were all put on this earth just to find ways to die happy? What if that was our life goal? To accomplish as many fulfilling goals just to lead up to that big one, to die content. Has anyone thought about that? Our lives were tailored differently for each of us, but we all get to have the same goal. Even though we all have different ways to work towards that goal, that goal binds us all together.

Everyone has their own way of interpreting "happiness." But if we look at the big picture, happiness & sadness are black and white, no gray area in between. Happiness to me is the feeling of contentment, a feeling that makes you feel like you're above the clouds and no worries in the world could stop you. You get crazy amount of butterflies in your tummy when you're happy. That genuine smile from cheek to cheek, that's happiness. Think of a roller coaster ride. That moment of slowly going up the rail...waiting for the big drop, that's your whole life. The feeling you get from that drop is death (yes, this sounds awful...but keep reading). Think about that feeling. That light fluttery feeling. That tickle in your stomach. The sensation you can never experience by just "living." It feels like everything in your body is flying. That feeling. It's a good feeling. Death should be a good feeling. If you don't feel that when you die, I think you've been living your life all wrong. Even when you are dying from sickness and you are hurting everywhere on or in your body, you should be able to feel content.

Death is a scary thought for some. For others, it's expected. We all will die. Unless of course some mad scientist can discover some magical potion that will let us all live forever. Then my "happy death" theory will be false and my whole life will just be a life. But I don't want to live forever. I want to be traditional: born, live, and die. Whenever and however I die, I want to know that I have done so much in my life that I am content. I want to die with the largest smile on my face. I want to die knowing that I have touched many lives whether it be in the smallest way or the biggest way. I want to die knowing that all of the sub-goals that I have set for myself have been accomplished. I want to die with butterflies. I want to die with the feeling of a roller coaster drop.

Basically, do things that will make you happy. Do things that will make you die happy. Life is way too short to not be good to others and yourself. Take a second and think about everything that you have been doing. Will you die happy knowing that you have been treating yourself and others wrongly? Change your routine. Change your actions. Change your attitude. Be positive. Be happy. You're still on that roller coaster and the drop awaits. So be excited when it comes. Let's all plan a great death.
