Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Future

For the first time in my life I actually have a plan for the future. I have always been the go-with-the-flow type of girl. Whatever happens, happens. If it was meant to be, it will. I am spontaneous. Due to the fact that plans never works out for me. Plus, life is more fun that way. No stress. No crying if things doesn't go "according to plan." I mean, just because I have a plan, it doesn't mean that I won't be this spontaneous girl anymore. I still will be, forever be, this girl. I'm just saying for the first time in my life, I actually have a plan!

I have never taken school seriously. Everything I have done thus far was because I had to. I was recently declared as a pre-international business. Before, declaring a major, any major, just sounded good. When somebody ask "what's your major?" I could barely utter the words "I'm undeclared." I was ashamed of being an undeclared. I didn't know what I wanted in life.

After finally declaring, I wanted have a plan. A study abroad booklet caught my eye and that sparked this major plan of mine. I read through it and voila! There was a light at the end of the tunnel. The tunnel that has been dark and seemed forever was now opening up. I can see clearly what I could do with my life. I started to do some research and was more excited than ever.

Next semester, I am dipping my toes in the international business sea. I'm taking classes towards my major. As behind as I am, I'm determined to play catch up. I really don't want to stay an extra year. I want to get out in 4. I plan on studying abroad Spring 2013, second semester of my junior year, in Paris, France. They have a few international business schools there. Only two schools really caught my eye, ESSEC, and The American Business School in Paris. I have talked to an advisor about studying abroad and it's perfect timing. I have plenty of time to plan and save. Taking the initiative have never felt so good.

So that's my plan. Though it's not far, but for someone like me, a plan that is one and a half year ahead is far enough.

Friday, December 2, 2011


This picture is a Kings of Leon album cover. So inspiring. I have been longing for a vacation just like this. With palm trees, water, sand, and good weather. I want to go to the Bahamas. I want to go to Cancun. I want to go to Dubai. I want to go to Hawaii. I want to go everywhere.