Thursday, August 23, 2012

I wrote this on a plane, quickly.

I really dislike it when I get out of the writing zone. There'll be months where I'm on a roll, determined to write about anything and everything. And there'll be months where I just live. Well, here goes my first entry for August. 

I am home yet once again. Usually, I would have an agenda for what I expect to happen. But this time, I didn't know for what was going to be in store for me and I didn't care what was going to be in store for me. All I wanted to do was sleep. The couple of days leading up to my homecoming had left me so sleep deprived. Dealing with my French final while trying not to ignore all of the fun around me gave me roughly four hours of sleep within the 48 hours of cramming and "funning." Wait... I really just said funning... I kind of like it. Funning. Anywho, you would think that I would be a pro at packing by now... but um, not really. I still suck, a lot. Wanna know how I packed for this trip? I literally threw my laundry hamper filled with filthy 3-weeks worth of clothes into a large black suitcase. C'est fini. I didn't care to pack any shampoo, conditioner, and body wash... nothing. Just my dirty clothes. I figured my mom would have all of the good stuff at home. And she did. 

For once in my entire life I did not care to see my friends. As weird as that sound… all I wanted to do was to be with my family. Every time I am home, I rarely get to see my family. They work all day, and when they come home at night, I’m out with my friends. This time, I really wanted to just hang out with my family. Plus, I didn’t have a car so that really helped control the urge to go out. I love being home. My parents treat me like a princess. No joke. Also, everything is free. Free breakfast, lunch, dinner, shopping, massages, pedi, mani, LIKE EVERYTHING. I truly appreciate everything they do for me.

My mother just turned 47 on August 11. This was the first year in my entire life that I had to miss her birthday. So she postponed her birthday party until I came home. All of her friends showed up. Most of the family came together (this made me so happy because it’s been years since everyone was content with one another. Just like old times.) My mom turned our dining room & living room into a dance floor. She removed all of our furniture and threw them in the garage. It may sound crazy but everything looked pretty good. I could tell that she had a great time. I have never seen my mother that happy before. When I brought out the cake, everybody surrounded and sung to her. She was the queen. All eyes were on her. She definitely felt special. I will never forget the smile she had on her face that night. It was a night to remember.

I like coming home for just a few days. If I were to stay any longer, I would’ve hated it for sure. Five days at home was perfection. When my parents dropped me off at the Sacramento Airport, I was truly sad. I had such a great vacation at home man. But I’m not complaining because it’s all worth it. Leaving them on great terms will only make coming back to them that much better. I think the reason why I’m so sad this time is because I know that it’ll be months until I get to see them next. I’ve been coming home almost every month this summer. The next time I’m home will most likely be in November for Thanksgiving break. Which is like 3 months from now. But that’s all right. School and work will keep me busy. Time will fly by once again, it always does.  Gosh, it’s so weird being old.